Sexual Division of Labor and Decision-Making Power in the Parental Household and their Effects on the Sexual Onset of Mexican Youngsters.

Georgina Martinez, University of Texas at Austin

This paper works on the analysis of the sexual division of labor and decision-making power in the parental household and their effects on sexual initiation and condom use for Mexican youngsters, single, aged 15 to 24, who live with both parents. The working hypothesis is that the most shared the labor and decision-making power among both males and females decreases the likelihood of sexual initiation and increases condom use. The source of information is the National Youth Survey 2000 for Mexico. Analysis of both outcomes were done through logistic regression using survey commands in Stata by motherĀ“s level of education and gender. Results show that sharing the decision-making power in the household increases the probability of condom use among females with an educated mother. Sharing household income providing increases the likelihood of sexual initiation and increases the likelihood of condom use among males; results vary by motherĀ“s level of education.

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Presented in Poster Session 7