Reproductive Behaviors and Fertility Intentions in People Living With HIV in Argentina

Hernan M. Manzelli, University of Texas at Austin
Mario M Pecheny, University of Buenos Aires

This paper presents the results of a nationwide survey on reproductive behaviors and fertility intentions among PLWHA in Argentina (2006). 70% of the interviewees did not want children, 20% did want children. The rest were considering adoption or unable to conceive. When examining by other variables, one observes two well-differentiated groups: 1) non-heterosexual men, heterosexual men and women who do have children that mostly did not want a/another child (70 to 80%); 2) heterosexual men and women with no children, 43% and 53% respectively stated their desire to have no children. For different sexual practices, condom use is extensive but inconsistent. PLWHA carry out their plans for relationships, children, and sexual activity. Consequently, any health policy concerning VIH/AIDS should consider the dimension of relationships and the future typical of their situation: guaranteeing accessibility to resources for safe sex (condoms and contraceptives), helping safe procreation, respecting human rights with no discrimination.

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Presented in Poster Session 6