Multiple Sex Partners and Perceived Risk of HIV Infection in Zambia: Attitudinal Determinants and their Gender Differences

Mai Do, Tulane University
Dominique Meekers, Tulane University

This paper examines impacts of individual- and community-level factors on having multiple sex partners in the last 12 months and perceived risk of HIV infection in Zambia. Data come from household and community surveys with 3,459 individuals who ever had sex. Two-level models and structural equation modeling are employed. Results show significant protective effects of individual’s disagreement toward married men’s having other sex partners, perceived others’ approval of having only one sex partner, and being female and married on having multiple sex partner. However, being female nearly doubled perceived risk. Having more than one partner increased perceived risk by four-fold. Both individual- and community-level disagreement toward married men’s having other sex partners are negatively associated with perceived risk. These factors also show differential impacts by gender on the two outcomes. The findings suggest distinct approaches to HIV transmission prevention that address men and women differently at individual and community levels.

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Presented in Session 139: Multiple Partnerships