Implications of the Frequency of Engagements in a Variety of Learning-Related Activities in the Home on Preschool-Aged Children’s Overall Developmental Accomplishments

Kevin H. O'Donnell, Westat, Inc.
Janice J. Kociol, Westat, Inc.

Research has shown that preschool-aged children make substantial gains in specific developmental skills (e.g., literacy) when parents engage them frequently in a variety of learning-related activities in the home. Our paper builds on this previous research work in examining how frequent parental engagements across several learning-related activities in the home affect the advancement of preschool-aged children in overall developmental accomplishments. We generate results using both descriptive analytical techniques and ordinary least squares multivariate regression models using data from the 1993 School Readiness Survey, the 1999 Parent Interview, and the 2005 Early Childhood Program Participation Survey, with each being part of the National Household Education Surveys Program. Preliminary findings show that for each age or age grouping, preschool-aged children whose parents engaged them more frequently in a variety of learning-related activities in the home over the previous week acquired more overall developmental skills.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 4