Method of Tracking the Displaced : A Lesson from the Study of the Aftermath of Tsunami and Recovery in Indonesia

Bondan Sikoki, SurveyMETER
Cecep S Sumantri, SurveyMETER
Wayan Suriastini, SurveyMETER

Tracking and finding respondents is a challenge in any longitudinal survey, but also the key to success. In communities reduced to rubble after the tsunami the task in figuring out who died, who moved away and where they went is an even greater challenge. A typical longitudinal survey obtains information about survival and movers from one informant, but finding displaced persons in the aftermath of tsunami demands a more intensive and extensive model of tracking . This paper ,uses data from the Study of the Tsunami Aftermath and Recovery (STAR) in Indonesia ,will demonstrate the use of multiple informant report in determining who died, who have moved and finding respondents that have scattered throughout the damaged areas. The paper will illuminate the success at tracking under difficult condition and show the advantages of using multiple informant report in tracking the displaced as against the regular method of tracking with single informant.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Session 130: Tracking the Displaced: Methods and Results