Sibling Influences on Migrant Remittances in a Developing Country Context

Martin Piotrowski, University of Oklahoma

Migrant remittances will likely become a more significant form of filial support as demographic forces erode the support base for the elderly at a time when more of them are living at a distance from their children. This study uses social survey data from Nang Rong, Thailand to examine remittances sent from adult children to aging parents. It advances the literature on migrant remittances by situating remittances within a broader literature on inter vivos financial transfers and by examining the influences of a broader set of social actors, including siblings. Results are consistent with an altruism/corporate group model of household decision making whereby better-educated migrants are more likely to send remittances compared to their less-educated siblings, which is consistent with an educational repayment explanation. Findings also show gender differences across siblings in the sending of remittances, which is consistent with both gender theories and Thai norms of filial support.

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Presented in Poster Session 1