Family Structure Changes and the Development of Children in Selected Disadvantaged Areas in the Philippines

Marilyn V. Cinco, University of San Carlos
Alan B Feranil, University of San Carlos

Changes in family structure play an important role in the development of children especially in cultures where families play a dominant role in the lives of their members. This study investigated the influence of family structure on the development of preschool children in selected disadvantaged areas in the Philippines. Using longitudinal data from the Early Childhood Development Project 2001-2005, we examined the effect of changes in family structure on the overall development of 2, 190 children ages three to six year old. Results of the analysis revealed that changes in family structure due to stability of marital unions, addition of siblings or the presence or absence of relatives in the household did not influence the children’s overall development. Being older, being a girl and living in better-off households with fewer siblings and parents’ ownership of land were more important, thus revealing the importance of socioeconomic status on child development.

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Presented in Poster Session 4