Thursday, April 17 / 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM   •   Oak Alley

Session 36:
Public Policy and Child Wellbeing

Chair: Charles Michalopoulos, Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation (MDRC)
Discussant: Eric Dearing, Boston College
Discussant: Lisa A. Gennetian, The Brookings Institution

  1. Public Policy, Demographic Change, and the Incidence and Severity of Long-Term Child Poverty through the 1990sLloyd D. Grieger, University of Michigan ; Jessica J.B. Wyse, University of Michigan

  2. Liberal Welfare State Policies and Health: The Effect of The Earned Income Tax Credit on Child Well-BeingKate W. Strully, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY) ; David Rehkopf, University of California, San Francisco and University of California, Berkeley ; Ziming Xuan, Harvard School of Public Health

  3. Welfare Receipt and Early Childhood Cognitive ScoresColleen M Heflin, University of Missouri at Columbia ; Sharon Kukla-Acevado, University of Kentucky

  4. Economic Costs of Early Childhood PovertyGreg J. Duncan, Northwestern University ; Ariel Kalil, University of Chicago

Other sessions on Children, including Child Health, Youth and Parenting