Thursday, April 17 / 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM   •   Bayside B

Session 47:
Family Change in Historical Perspective

Chair: Berna M. Torr, RAND
Discussant: Steven Ruggles, University of Minnesota
Discussant: Daniel M. Goodkind, U.S. Census Bureau

  1. Determinants of Marriage Timing and Prevalence in Northeast China, 1749-1912Shuang Chen, University of Michigan ; Cameron D. Campbell, University of California, Los Angeles ; James Z. Lee, University of Michigan

  2. The Cambodian Family after the Khmer Rouge Genocide: Continuity and ChangeFloriane Demont, University of Geneva ; Patrick Heuveline, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS)

  3. The May-December Relationship Since 1850: Age Homogamy in the U.S.Joseph Ferrie, Northwestern University ; Karen Rolf, University of Nebraska

  4. Cohabitation, Marriage, and Divorce in the United States: Trends and Racial Differentials, 1970-2002Yi Zeng, Duke University ; S. Philip Morgan, Duke University ; Zhenglian Wang, Duke University ; Danan Gu, Duke University ; Chingli Yang, Nan Hua University, Taiwan

Other sessions on Marriage, Family, Households and Unions