How Much Time do English Language Learners Need to Acquire Proficiency?
Dylan Conger, George Washington University
Using data on English Language Learners (ELL) in New York City public schools, this study examines how long it takes students to become English proficient, and how the time to proficiency differs for students by gender, race, nativity, home language, and socioeconomic status, and grade of entry into the school system. The data includes longitudinal panels of all ELL students entering the first through fifth grades and ungraded special education programs from 1995-96 through 1999-2000. That data tracks each cohort for at least three years, and for some, up to seven years. Using discrete-time survival analysis, I model trajectories in ELL exit rates as children age and the effects of student characteristics on these trajectories.
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Presented in Session 140: Inequalities in Early Education