Relational Determinants of the Similarity in Condom Use among Adolescents and Young Adults: Analysis of Close Same-Gender Friends and Bridged Heterosexual Relationships
Michiyo Yamazaki, Johns Hopkins University
Jonathan Ellen, Johns Hopkins University
This study compared self-reported condom use at last sex between adolescents and their close same-gender social friends, and explored the condom use of same-gender individuals who reported having sex with the same opposite-sex partner in the three months prior to participations in the Bayview Network Study (CA), designed to examine the prevalence of STI risk behaviors and transmission patterns among adolescents between July 2000 and October 2001. The analysis of similarity in condom use included 46 female same-gender friend-dyads and 31 male same-gender friend-dyads. Statistically significant female same-gender friend effect was observed. The odds for reporting condom use of two same-gender individuals, who reported having sex with the same opposite-sex partner, were not different; however, they were determined by the reciprocity in partner nomination (unidirectional vs. reciprocal). The findings suggested the important same-gender friends’ role in adolescents’ condom use and STI prevention. Implication to the STI intervention was also discussed.
Presented in Session 175: Circumcision, Sexual Relationships and HIV Risk: Africa and the U.S