The Trend in Induced Abortion in Mexico, a High Prevalence Contraceptive Country
Fatima Juarez, El Colegio de México
Susheela D. Singh, Guttmacher Institute
Sandra G. Garcia, Population Council
In Mexico, despite stringent laws on abortion (except for the recent change in Mexico City), and despite high levels of contraceptive use, many women obtain abortions, often unsafe, to avoid unplanned births. This study uses an existing indirect estimation methodology to develop new estimates of the incidence of induced abortion and of hospitalized abortion complications at the national and regional levels for 2006. We assess changes in abortion incidence over the period 1991-2006, comparing available estimates for 1991 that are based on the same methodology. Findings will allow us to verify if the level of induced abortion has changed in a context where many social, economic and demographic changes have occurred and where the right wing government in power since seven years ago has reduced family planning service provision. Findings will be useful in guiding policies and programs to improve prevention of unplanned pregnancy and reduction of unsafe abortion.
Presented in Session 138: Abortion as a Recourse for Fertility Control