Educational and Health Impact of Two School Feeding Schemes in Burkina Faso
Damien de Walque, World Bank Group
Harounan Kazianga, World Bank Group
Harold Alderman, World Bank Group
In this paper, we report the impact of two school feeding schemes; school meals and take home rations; on the educational and health outcomes in northern Burkina Faso. Starting in October 2006, 64 newly open schools were randomized assigned to two treatment groups (school meals, and take home rations) and to a control groups, following a baseline survey in June 2006. Our results show that enrollment rates increased only marginally in treatment villages relative to control villages. Attendance rates increased significantly in villages assigned to take home rations. Changes in achievement tests and health outcomes are only marginal. Overall, the results suggest the overall impact is larger with take home ration type intervention.
Presented in Session 143: Child Malnutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa: Determinants and Program Evaluations