Unraveling the Culprits of Residential Segregation: Race, Class, and Schooling in Pretoria, Johannesburg and Vereeniging
Fareeda McClinton, University of Pennsylvania
This paper accesses the mechanisms in which residential segregation impacts the lives of individuals living in the Pretoria, Johannesburg, and Vereeniging (PJV) area of South Africa. Using 1996 South African census data, the focus of this paper is to examine the relationship between residential segregation and schooling and income inequality among all racial groups. Recent analysis on post apartheid South Africa indicates that racial residential segregation at the magisterial district level remains very high among the African and Coloured populations and White and Coloured populations (McClinton and Zuberi, 2006). This paper utilizes two methodologies 1.measurement of segregation by socioeconomic status 2.indirect standardization using several household characteristics to redistributes the population in Pretoria, Johannesburg, and Vereeniging. Evidence in this paper suggest that racial disparities in income and schooling attainment remains and influences residential segregation patterns and are persistence in Pretoria, Johannesburg and Vereeniging.
Presented in Session 79: Sources of Racial and Ethnic Differentiation in Residential Space