Quality of Reproductive Health Care in War-Affected Northern Uganda
Linnea Zimmerman, Emory University
Lacey N Haussamen, Emory University
Rob Stephenson, Emory University
War and displacement has limited the provision of quality health services to Internally Displaced Persons in northern Uganda. This study combines two distinct approaches to assess quality of care: qualitative and population-based approach and quantitative health facility- based approach. In two northern districts, perceptions of quality of family planning (FP) services were assessed through focus groups and compared to objective measures of quality taken from 7 health facilities. Quality of antenatal care was assessed at 12 facilities where 48 provider-client interactions were observed exit interviews conducted. Community members are uninformed about FP services and have low expectations of quality, which influences the uptake of FP services. Facility assessments show an acute lack of human and material resources has negatively affected quality of both FP and antenatal care services. Attention is needed in the provision of culturally appropriate, quality reproductive health services that can meet the unique needs of this population.
Presented in Poster Session 1